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Guest Interview

Friday 19th August 2016

Guest Interview


NAME: Robert Spittle

JOB TITLE:  Managing Director - Operations

FAMILY/INTERESTS/SOMETHING YOU’D LIKE PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT YOU:  I have been married to Jayne for 19 years in September, feels like a lifetime, and we have two children Sophie who is 11 and Frazer 8, and we live just outside Bromsgrove, 15 miles south of Birmingham. We don’t have any pets although I do have 5 sheep!! Whilst I always have one eye on work wherever I am, I love the great outdoors, so sometimes sitting behind a desk all day is as challenging for me as it is for the person sitting the other side of it..

Not necessarily good news for us all is I have a grandmother who is 107, making her in the top 180 oldest people in the country!

How long have you worked for Guest / Sherwood?  I joined Guests full time in 1994 after studying at Loughborough University, although I started in 1989 working here in the school holidays..

Which three people would you invite to a dinner party?  Who would I invite or who would turn up??!!

If you won the lottery jackpot what would be the first thing you’d spend money on?  Forgiveness from my wife for all the times I apparently didn’t spend any money on her!!

What was your first car?  White Fiat 127, registration  DDD 217Y

What’s the most commonly asked question you’ve been asked in your current role? Do you take milk and sugar, for the avoidance of doubt it’s milk no sugar!

If you were to compete in the Olympics what would be your chosen sport?  I’m assuming that is the Armchair Olympics, speaks for itself!!

What’s your greatest achievement?  Personally, cycling from Lands’ End back to Birmingham or running the Birmingham 10k last year, in terms of family I’m proud of what my kids are achieving and in business it’s being part of the team that has got the company to where it is today.

What was the last thing you Googled/searched? Where is the fuse box on my car…?

What was the last photograph you took on your mobile telephone?  A picture of a 7.2T Daily  for Selco the builders merchants.

What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? I’m always right and I’m always right, contrary to popular belief I know I am wrong occasionally!

What’s your pet hate?  This could be a long list, but to make it easy queues!!

If you were Prime Minister for the day what one law would you introduce? I wouldn’t necessarily change a law; I would introduce common sense in law.

Tell us a secret. It’s not rocket science

Your favourite meal would be ….. Probably fish, I’m not too fussy about food (after all I’m married to Jayne), although I eat too much that is not good for me!!

Favourite music / band / album / gig. Too much to mention really, my varied music collection from pop, jazz, classical and soundtracks is a standing conversation with my friends. Challenge me next time I see you!!!! Overall probably favourite song is We Built This City by Starship!

Your personal life motto or what they will say about me when I am gone…  Don’t wait for the storm to pass but learn to dance in the rain….

One great thing about your job. Talking to people especially all the teams at Guests and Sherwood.

One great thing about the product you sell? Opportunity, we have in all our products a great opportunity to be successful in the marketplace.